Sunday, 17 August 2008

Hue, Da Nang, Hoi An

Timeline! (kind of)

Not so nice picture, Museum of Cham Sculpture, Da Nang (~1915). This is an early example of French hybrid architecture a la Hebrard's "Style Indochinoise." There's a whole debate about the status of this architecture in terms of "genuine" hybridity or visual tokenism (symbolic gesture as opposed to any political power). More on that some other time.

School, Hoi An. I'm a little uncertain but I think this is a building dating from the early 20th century which was then retrofitted with a cement bris soleil in the Soviet period. I suspect that this was originally the front of the building--check out the fussy decorative pillars. Hoi An was a central trading town for Europeans, Indians, and Japanese from the 16th-19th centuries and consequently has a unique architectural history. Now it's a UNESCO world heritage site. Modernist house, Hoi An

Cathedral, Hoi An

This is a club for retired police officers in Hue.

Note the traditional Buddhist lotus and swastika motif in the grillwork. I'm interested in the ways these decorative and traditional elements are fused with a modernist style in this period. I suspect this building dates from the 1980's. There are similar decorative elements here, but judging from the size and color, I would guess this is from the 1980's or 90's. There's similar decoration on the Soviet Friendship Palace in Hanoi.

Hue Outskirts,1990's (?)

Public Housing, Da Nang

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